The destruction of domestic fleas in the home: a review of effective tools

Domestic fleas that appeared in the apartment can deliver a lot of trouble. And in order to get rid of them, you first need to understand where they got into the room and where their larvae can hide. Plus, the fight against these parasites is carried out in several stages, which should be carried out in a certain sequence.


Description of parasites

Fleas are representatives of a detachment of blood-sucking insects. Able to tolerate various pathogens of diseases of both humans and animals. As can be seen in the photo, domestic fleas have a narrow body flattened from the sides, the length of which will depend on the species of the parasite and can be from 1 to 5 mm. In females of some species, the abdomen grows during feeding and therefore they can look much larger than males - their body size when feeding is about 10 mm.

Fleas breed quite quickly, and they do not create or look for any special nests or other places for laying eggs. After fertilization, the female forcefully pushes eggs out of herself, which as a result spread to rather large areas, and which part of them necessarily remains on the body of the “owner”, most often an animal or bird.
After about two weeks, larvae emerge from the eggs. During their development, they molt three times, then go into the pupal phase. An adult flea subsequently emerges from it.

On a note! Domestic fleas as such do not exist. This name is, so to speak, popular. Fleas appear in dwelling houses and apartments, carriers of which will be exclusively animals - dogs, cats, rats, birds. Moreover, fleas of absolutely all kinds are capable of biting humans, but they do not linger on his body for a long time, perceiving him exclusively as an object of saturation!

Destruction Features

If household fleas appeared in the apartment, then the owners should be prepared for the fact that they will certainly spread to all rooms. When the carrier is a pet, the bulk of the insects will be present on its body, however, a certain number of individuals will certainly be in the carpets, on bedding, on soft toys, in dusty corners, on balconies littered with various rubbish, etc.

On a note! The struggle with domestic fleas is complicated by the fact that the larvae clog into the smallest crevices and other inaccessible places. Often even poisonous microparticles that are sprayed as a result of using an aerosol insecticide do not penetrate there!

Sometimes the process of getting rid of household fleas is very delayed, since in addition to the pet's hair, absolutely all rooms should be thoroughly processed. Only this approach will destroy the parasites, because at one point they will be deprived of all their shelters.

It is also necessary to remember that insects are able to hide in the nests of domestic rodents, in cat's toilets, as well as in the litter where the animal is sleeping. In such places, as a rule, optimal humidity and temperature are maintained for active reproduction, normal development and life of all flea generations.

If you do not have a pet, then fleas can enter the house from the basement. This is especially often observed when the apartment is on the ground floor. In this case, you should act as quickly as possible, because basement insects can have very dangerous "hosts" - rats. And they are known for their ability to tolerate pathogens of fairly serious diseases.

And the third way for fleas to enter a dwelling is on a person’s clothes. In this case, insects, as a rule, do not stay for a long time due to the absence of their carrier. Therefore, in such a situation, getting rid of them will be quite simple.

Methods of struggle

So, if household fleas were found in the house, then each owner must know how to get them out. With a quick response to a problem, you can protect yourself and, of course, your pet from health troubles.

Those who do not have an animal in the apartment can safely go around this chapter and immediately switch to the next. And all the happy owners of four-legged friends should start with this section.

Pet Products

Today on sale you can find a huge number of the most various preparations for fleas in animals. Such hygiene products are based on special insecticides, which are harmful to bloodsucking parasites and practically safe for people and their pets. The assortment includes shampoos, sprays, drops at the withers, collars and powders.

Important! It should be remembered that these funds can be used to destroy fleas exclusively on the body of animals. They are not suitable for processing rooms and objects!

All flea medications have a certain level of safety, so you need to choose a remedy based on the animal’s health.

  1. Sprays - such funds are considered the most convenient to use and at the same time have a prolonged action, protecting the animal for several days. Moreover, they are characterized by high efficiency and safety for both the processor and the pet. Especially popular are such sprays as Frontline, Bars, Hartz, Bolfo.
  2. Shampoos are the most sought after product. Most often, they are chosen for the removal of fleas in pets with good coat and sensitive skin. Flea shampoos such as Rolf Club, Mr. Bruno, Beaphar, Fitoelita and Dr. Zoo.

    On a note! However, remember that at one time it will not work to remove all parasites - for a positive result, you will have to use shampoo at least three times!

  3. Drops at the withers. Incredibly easy to use and gentle to the pets themselves - animals, in particular cats, do not experience the torment of frequent bathing and are not afraid of a sudden stream of liquid that they are irrigated with, as is the case with a spray. Among the most popular are drops at the withers of Hartz, Advantage, Frontline, Bars and Blokhnet.
  4. Collars - they can be used only as an aid or as a prophylaxis of reinfestation. With a large accumulation of fleas on the body, the collar alone cannot completely solve the problem of their destruction. However, it is the flea collar that will be the best protection against parasites for those pets that are often on the street. Among others, Kiltix, Hartz and Beaphar collars are very effective.

    Important! A flea collar can be used to wash the hair of an animal’s neck if it is worn for a long time, and therefore it will not work for exhibition pets and those with especially sensitive skin!

  5. Powder is the most time-consuming remedy for household fleas, and therefore it is used extremely rarely. The reason for this in most cases is a restless animal. Plus, in comparison with other anti-flea drugs, powder is the least effective.

Any flea remedy in animals should be used strictly according to the instructions, and after treatment it is advisable to monitor the well-being of the pet.There may also be situations where several different drugs are needed to solve the problem. After all, it is very important to apply all possible measures to protect your pet. Otherwise, re-infection can not be avoided.

Tools for processing rooms

Getting rid of fleas in an apartment is much more difficult than getting them out of animal hair. As mentioned above, the reason for this is the parasite larvae that will hide in the most inaccessible places.

In this case, you can advise such means as:

  • Sprays and aerosols - toxic substances penetrate the body of an insect along with air, and therefore work very quickly and quite effectively. Often, using both a spray and an aerosol, you can get rid of household fleas in two applications. Very good results are shown by such drugs as Lambda Zone, Delta Zone, Agran, Ksulat, Tsifoks, Raid, Kombat, Dichlorvos Neo. Aerosols are simple to use: first you need to remove people and animals from the room in which the treatment will be carried out, close all windows tightly and spray the drug. After which the room leaves for several hours. At the end it is aired and wet cleaned.
  • Dusts - they are rationally used to combat larvae that hide in the most secluded places. This is due to the fact that the larvae feed mainly on organic remains, and therefore with a high degree of probability they can also use an insecticide. But dusts have one feature - they act only on those insects that can pick them up. For this reason, such poison should be in the places where insects live for a rather long time.
  • Folk remedies - they are based on plant repellents that can scare off parasites. These include a decoction of tansy and wormwood, which must be sprayed with corners and baseboards in each infected room. And the dried parts of the same plants are laid out under the beds and near the cabinets. In addition to them, ammonia helps well from fleas - it is diluted in water and washed with the resulting surface solution - and eucalyptus fragrance.

After all activities, be sure to restrict flea access to your home. To do this, the animals should wear anti-flea collars and take care of the tightness of balconies and window sills, and if gaps are found, carefully close them. After walking and relaxing in nature, before going into the apartment, thoroughly shake out the outer clothing, since only a few insects are quite capable of giving life to a new large population of parasites.

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