What fleas parasitize humans and how to cure the bites of these insects?

Fleas are obligate parasites. In other words, they feed on nothing but blood. This is due to the structure of their oral apparatus, which simply does not allow the use of any other food sources. Fleas parasitize on cats, dogs, birds and other warm-blooded animals. There is even a species for which a person is a potential "master".

flea bite

Flea bites cause a lot of trouble - from itching and redness to severe illnesses. Today we will tell you what threat these parasites pose specifically for humans, and consider methods of treatment for the effects of these insects.

What fleas can parasitize on a person?

In fact, a person can be bitten by any fleas that feed on warm-blooded blood. And often the cause of itchy wounds is insects that parasitize on our four-legged friends - domestic cats and dogs. But, as mentioned earlier, there are human fleas. They can attack hairy pets, but they give preference to a person. The fact is that in this type of bloodsucker the oral apparatus is ideally adapted for piercing our skin, and their biology is directly related to us and our home.

Note! This species of fleas does not live on humans, unlike lice, but only attacks in order to get enough, after which it leaves the body.

So, let's take a closer look at what other types of these parasites carry a potential danger to humans.

  1. Dogs - most often they attack people and in this regard are considered champions. The reason for this is the fact that dogs are more likely than other warm-blooded “catch” fleas and carry them on their bodies.
  2. Feline is another unique type of flea that very often attacks humans. The reason for what is happening also lies in the lifestyle of these animals - they spend a large amount of time on the street, where infection occurs. And fleas, having “arrived” on a cat in an apartment, begin to look for a new source of food and find it in people.
  3. Rat - the most infectious insects. In the conditions of the modern metropolis, they attack people quite rarely and “terrorize” mainly the inhabitants of the province.
  4. Rabbit - bite a person quite rarely, but still belong to the caste of the most common blood-sucking parasites.

As you can see, the answer to the question as to whether fleas bite people, unequivocal - bite. Moreover, the above list is not complete.

Flea bites: symptoms

So, let's now look at how flea bites look. They have a number of features, including:

  • insects mainly affect the lower part of the body - the back and legs, but when a person is sleeping, they can also bite his neck and arms;
  • the main symptom of flea bites is severe itching, which occurs after an attack of parasites, and takes a fairly long time;
  • the second characteristic symptom is a swollen area of ​​the skin of red or pink color with a point in the center, which is the site of damage;
  • the lesion sites are located next to each other - 2-3 bites at a distance of 1 cm from each other.

Attention! On this basis, one can distinguish flea bites from attack by bedbugs, which leave characteristic “paths” on the body.



In most cases, flea bites do not require treatment. Itching goes away on its own after 1-2 days, swelling and redness completely disappear after 4 days. But with sensitive skin, an allergic reaction can occur in the form of strong local irritations, less often - skin diseases.

Important! If you have similar symptoms, then in this case it is necessary to properly treat the affected areas.

What can be done right away?

First aid can be provided at home. This procedure is quite simple and does not take much time. It is carried out when the above symptoms do not go away for more than 4 days or the painful sensations are quite strong and it is impossible to tolerate them even in the first hours after an insect attack.

What can be done to alleviate the condition after flea bites:

  • rinse affected areas with plenty of water;
  • treat with antiseptic soap;
  • if the bite has just been perfect - apply ice or any product from the freezer.

Traditional treatment

To treat flea bites on a person that were committed some time ago, you can use the following tools:

  • sulfuric ointment, which quickly and effectively eliminates itching;
  • baking soda dissolved in water;
  • calamine solution;
  • an aqueous solution of apple cider vinegar;
  • ammonia;
  • lemon juice;
  • aloe juice;
  • alcohol solutions - brilliant green, iodine, vodka.

Important! Flea bites cannot be combed, as an infection can get into an inflamed wound, which, in turn, will cause severe suppuration of the affected area.

When is qualified medical assistance needed?

If the affected areas of the skin begin to swell severely, which leads to pain and other disturbing symptoms, then serious measures should be taken.

Important! It is necessary to seek medical help immediately, since there are cases when anaphylactic shock occurred after flea bites.

What can a doctor recommend:

  • antihistamines;
  • temperature-lowering drugs;
  • sedatives.

But treating flea bites yourself in this case is not worth it, since only a doctor is able to determine all the features of your body and determine the appropriateness of using this or that remedy.

In the video below, you can see how flea bites look. We also recommend reading the article - How to get fleas out of the apartment: ways, methods and practical tips, from which you can learn about effective ways to combat this scourge.

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