What are the symptoms of lice?

On the appearance symptoms lice even the most sensitive person can not immediately react. But knowing all the nuances and signs of the occurrence of these parasites, they can be detected, and, accordingly, can be removed more quickly during the first few days of infection. This problem must be taken very seriously, since pediculosis in an advanced form can lead to serious problems, such as pyoderma and dermatitis. In addition, lice are carriers of serious infectious diseases.

How to detect lice

Symptoms of the occurrence of parasites

Lice are very small insects whose body length is only 2 mm. They are translucent and always hide at the roots of the hair. TO human parasites applies head louse and linen and pubic; They bite mainly only on the scalp.

Signs of lice in humans will be:

  • itching in parts of the body covered with hair;
  • bite marks;
  • deterioration of the hair and scalp;
  • the appearance of nits.


The first sign of lice is itching in the bite sites. These insects feed only on human blood, and to get to it, the insect bites through the skin, gets to the vessel and introduces a secret that prevents blood coagulation. In this case, a person can feel a slight injection, similar to a mosquito bite, and when the enzyme begins to act, itching occurs.

On a note! If there are only a few biting parasites, then a person may not even pay any attention to itching. But with a strong infection, unpleasant sensations become pronounced and cause a lot of trouble.

But at the same time, it is very difficult to detect the insects themselves without a thorough examination, and the skin at first hardly reacts to bites.

On a note! If the itching does not go away after shampooing, then in this case special attention should be paid to it. First of all, this is what will signal the appearance of lice.

How to determine if another person has lice? This will be evidenced by characteristic changes in his behavior:

  • often scratches the head;
  • combing her comb;
  • straightens hair and fiddles with his hands;
  • children for no reason begin to act up and cry.

Important! Remember that lice can be infected in any public place. And if you notice that a person standing next to you constantly scratches his head, then it is better to stay away from him, as parasites can jump over when in contact with infected clothing or if you shake your hair accidentally.

Bites and irritations after them

The second sign of the appearance of lice is the marks of their bites. This symptom is the most obvious and easiest to detect. Lice bites are similar to fleas - after them remain small red dots with a protracted center. As a rule, the bite site becomes inflamed, and the puncture point can be seen with the naked eye. After them, there is irritation on the skin, which many parents at first mistook for allergies.

On a note! With a large number of parasites, there are quite a lot of traces and often they appear slightly bluish spots.

Lice are considered parasites of the hairy areas of the body, therefore traces of infection are usually sought on the head. But people who, for various reasons, rarely change underwear, bloodsuckers can bite for other parts of the body that are under clothing.

If the fight against these parasites is not started in time, then an allergic reaction to the skin may develop, the characteristic signs of which will be the following manifestations:

  • bites merge into large spots;
  • the affected areas are covered with a crust;
  • an abscess infection begins to develop.

The most severe cases of lice occur in people with sensitive skin. They do not feel bites, they do not bother with itching and, as a result, a serious stage of infection develops, at which get rid of lice quite problematic. By that time, insects have time to multiply in large numbers, and the person himself carries a potential threat to everyone around him. In this case, you can recognize the signs of the appearance of lice even with the naked eye:

  • bite marks merge into huge redness;
  • often these spots protrude beyond the area of ​​hair growth;
  • skin condition worsens significantly and acquires signs of dermatitis;
  • the infected person constantly combes the affected areas, which leads to excoriation - the appearance of clear scratches from the nails.

Hair bonding

Another sign that tells you how to recognize lice is the condition of the hair. In the absence of the possibility of constant washing of the head, a characteristic symptom of infection with parasites is the “tangle” in the hair and their adhesion.

This happens for the following reason: in order to attach the eggs to the hair, the female envelops them with an adhesive substance. In this case, the insect can hold onto several follicles at once and as a result they stick together.

On a note! If “tangle” occurs, the skin will itch not only from insect bites, but also due to poor ventilation and accumulation of dandruff. Therefore, in addition to the main fight against these parasites, you need to regularly comb your hair and wash it more often.

Nits in hair

The presence of nits in the hair is the most obvious symptom of head lice, as they are louse eggs. It is impossible to confuse them with anything. As mentioned above, nits are attached to the hair and with a serious infection, they are the first to catch the eye.

Lice eggs become most noticeable on dark hair. After the larvae hatch, their shells remain on the head for quite some time. And in advanced situations, the hair of a person is as if strewn with small white grains. It is quite difficult to notice individual nits, but when they show off on a pillow or sheet, then infection becomes obvious.

On a note! The easiest way to find them, spreading strands of fingers - nits, their shells and waste products will look like small garbage.

Complications of Pediculosis

If the first symptoms of lice have gone unnoticed, then the following complications will indicate pediculosis:

  • nervousness, which arose against the background of constant itching;
  • pyoderma - purulent skin lesions;
  • pustules in places of bites, as a sign of secondary infection;
  • insomnia and anxiety from phantom visions of crawling parasites.

Such consequences arise in the most advanced forms of lice and appear, as a rule, in homeless people. If you comply with all sanitary norms and rules, then things will not come to such signs.

Knowing the main symptoms of the appearance of lice will allow you to start a fight with them in time, and also protect yourself from these parasites. Seeing in a public place a person with characteristic signs of head lice, which constantly itches and his head is strewn with white nits, you will already know that it is better to move away from him to a safe distance.

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