Disastrous temperature: at what point in the thermometer do cockroaches die?

The high ability to adapt to environmental conditions allowed cockroaches to survive dinosaurs and many extinct species. Insects have a unique ability to exist without a head, to live without food for about two months. But invulnerable organisms do not exist. Arthropods are sensitive to cold. To use this quality to control pests, you need to know at what temperature cockroaches die.

at what temperature do cockroaches die

Cockroaches and frost

The main habitats of the thermophilic representatives of the cockroach squad are tropical and subtropical forests. They feel comfortable in a warm and humid environment. The temperate climate is much harsher in order to survive in it insects moved into human housing. The Prussians are known for their survivability, they do without food and water for a long time, but are cockroaches afraid of the cold? At temperatures below 18-16 ° C, the development of larvae slows down, and frost is fatal for arthropods of any age.

Synanthropic insects settle near a heat source. They can be found in electrical appliances and household appliances. At what temperature do cockroaches live and breed comfortably? Optimum values ​​are 25-30 ° C, together with a humidity of 50-70%. Heat is vital for insects. They cannot independently maintain body temperature and are completely dependent on environmental conditions. If the thermometer at zero, arthropods fall into suspended animation.

Information. Hemolymph thickens from the cold, metabolic processes in the body of insects slow down.

What temperature can cockroaches withstand

Heat-loving arthropods became cosmopolitan, their distribution in countries with a temperate and cold climate was facilitated by the presence of heated buildings. Red, black and American cockroaches settled in the houses. Their survival under extreme conditions is the same. Critical indices for domestic insects:

Temperature ° C Lifetime
-5 30-35 minutes
-10 About 2 minutes
-25 Instant death
+50 Several hours
+100 Instant death

High temperature is also detrimental to the Prussians. It is difficult to heat the entire room to 60-70 ° C, so they use a steam generator. A jet of steam from the device is sent to the places of accumulation of insects. Under its influence, cockroaches of all ages and eggs die. Destroy all arthropods will not work, some will have time to scatter, but the population will lose its offspring in the ooteks. Imagoes are discarded with the help of chemicals and folk remedies, but they do not act on eggs. High and low temperature is the best option to stop the reproduction of the colony.

Freezing as a method of pest control

A simple and affordable method to get rid of a colony of pests in the room is freezing. Technically, it is quite simple to implement, cockroaches die from the cold, if in the cold they open the windows in the apartment and leave for several hours. More time and effort will require preparation. A negative temperature is dangerous not only for insects, but also for residents of the house, household appliances and heating pipes. Preparation Algorithm:

  1. Family members, pets and houseplants are sent on a temporary visit.
  2. Drain water from the heating pipes or insulate them well.
  3. To prevent rupture of water pipes, block them and drain the liquid.
  4. Examine the documents of household appliances, if it is not designed to stay in the cold, it should be taken out.

Tip. For the procedure, choose a quiet day without snow and wind. Snowdrifts that have melted in the apartment can ruin the flooring, wet carpets and upholstered furniture.

Freezing time at -10 ° C should be at least 4 hours, at -20 ° C 2 hours is enough. After returning, close the windows, increase the temperature gradually. Pest effects will be visible as corpses on the floor. They will have to be swept away and destroyed, because part of the insects will be in a state of suspended animation. After the destruction of the colony, take measures so that you do not have neighboring Prusaks. Close ventilation with a net, spread repellents around the apartment - dry wormwood grass or napkins with essential oil. You can use insecticidal chalk.

Information. Dry ice is used at any time of the year to freeze parasites.

About other ways to destroy pests in the article "The best and most effective remedies for cockroaches".

Fluctuations in temperature have a significant effect on the life processes of insects. They can not stand the frost and heat. Climatic factors are potential allies in pest control. Knowing the critical temperature, you can quickly get rid of the Prussians.

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