How to get rid of midges and what attracts Drosophila to the apartment?

Fruit flies

Hordes of small midges in the kitchen are a terrible dream for any housewife. Juicy summer fruits attract them to the apartment, and driving insects is not easy. An unpleasant neighborhood is safe for human health, but it causes a lot of discomfort. How to get rid of midges quickly and effectively? Finding a solution to the problem is relevant in the warm season, but it is better to prepare for the inevitable invasion of insects in advance.

What kind of midges appear in the apartment?

Small insects that flock in flocks over fruits and vegetables are fruit flies of Drosophila. They feed on plant sap and rotting debris. The body of fruit Drosophila is only 1.5-3 mm in length. Coloring from yellow to brown. A distinctive feature is red eyes. In the southern regions, the insect lives in gardens, and in a cool climate it prefers to settle in enclosed spaces - vegetable warehouses, wineries and canneries. Insects feel great in apartments where they live near bins and in indoor flowers.

Information. Drosophila has a short life cycle, but the female manages to lay up to 400 eggs, of which larvae crawl out in a day. After 5 days, they turn into a chrysalis, and after 5 days an adult appears. Flies live an average of 10 days, with a decrease in temperature to 180 their life is increased by 2 times.

Frogs in the apartment receive favorable conditions for reproduction - temperatures above 160An abundance of rotten fruits and vegetables for laying eggs. The female is ready for mating 8 hours after exiting the pupa.
Fruit flies go through 3 stages of development characteristic of winged insects:

  • egg;
  • larva;
  • adult individual.

The causes of Drosophila in the house

Where do flocks of insects come from in a clean and comfortable kitchen? The answer to this question is very important, because before you begin the extermination of midges, you need to find out the reasons for their appearance. There are several ways in which midges enter the kitchen:

  1. Drosophila always live in warehouses and in shops selling fruit and vegetable crops. Insects lay eggs under the skin of the fruit. Together with the purchase, they get into the apartment.
  2. Small insects easily migrate through an apartment building in search of food. They are attracted to the smell of fermentation, alcohol, sweets. Drosophila penetrate into neighboring rooms through ventilation ducts and just slots.
  3. Despite the thin wings, the fruit fly can migrate over considerable distances. Miniature dimensions allow her to enter the apartment through the nets on the windows.

Finding out where the midges come from, you can develop a tactic for preventive measures. Simple rules will help prevent the appearance and spread of Drosophila in the house:

  • Closely monitor vegetables and fruits stored in the kitchen. At the slightest sign of decay, they must be thrown away. But not just in the bin, but in the container on the street. Soft rotten vegetables are home to Drosophila larvae. Getting rid of insects at this stage can prevent the spread of fruit flies.
  • Food left in animal feeders also attracts midges. After feeding, wash the bowls well. Blooming water in the aquarium and rotting algae create a favorable environment for insects. The cleanliness of a small pond must be monitored.
  • Trash bin a real dining room for fruit flies. They gladly eat any rotten leftovers. To prevent them from eating, you must close the bucket with a lid and often take out the trash.
  • The accumulation of food residues in the sewer is a reason for the appearance of midges in the kitchen. Insects do not disdain to live and eat in dirty pipelines. If Drosophila fly out of the drain, then it is worth cleaning the siphon or spilling the system with hot water.
  • Waterlogged indoor plants are one of the favorite midges habitats. When you notice insects, you should temporarily stop watering. And make flower pots in a room where there is no food for midges.

Tip. Vegetables and fruits bought at the store are recommended to be washed. If possible, store them in a refrigerator where low temperatures and midges cannot survive.

General cleaning is an effective way to prevent the spread of insects. Breadcrumbs, drops of sweet juice or jam, leftover fruits rolled into a corner are all sources of midges. What is not noticeable with surface cleaning, catches the eye with a careful approach. All preventive measures do not require special efforts, a fairly simple accuracy and sequence of actions.

How to get rid of house midges

If preventive measures have not helped and midges swarm above the surface of the sink, sit on tables and other furniture, it is time to begin their destruction.

Folk methods

In the arsenal of traditional methods of combating annoying insects that interfere in everyday life, there are many safe means.

Camphor. The substance in powdered form is poured into a frying pan or other dishes that are not afraid of heat. The pan heats up until steam begins to rise from camphor. The dishes are carried through rooms where the presence of insects is noticed. For people, smoke is absolutely harmless, and for Drosophila, it is harmful.

Geranium is a frequent resident of apartments, attracting attention with its beautiful flowers. She can become a powerful ally in the fight against fruit midges. The smell of geranium discourages Drosophila and mosquitoes. By putting a flower pot on each windowsill, you can not only decorate the interior, but also get rid of flying insects.

Garlic is a proven folk remedy for midges. If insects annoy indoor flowers, then peeled garlic cloves are stuck in the ground. The specific smell and essential oil scare away harmful midges. It will help to remove insects by watering with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Another folk remedy for mosquitoes and midges is aromatic oil. The smell of tea tree, cedar, mint or orange, coming from the aroma lamp, will drive away flying insects for a long time. They do not like Drosophila and the neighborhood with tobacco. To drive fruit flies away you don’t have to start smoking, just put dry tobacco leaves in bags and leave small pests in your favorite habitat.
This effect gives the use of valerian. The drug in any form produces a specific odor that is unpleasant for insects. Clove - a fragrant spice that gives special piquancy to dishes and drinks. The original recipe for using spices can compete with aroma lamps. A lot of dry twigs are stuck into a large ripe orange. The floating aroma will create a pleasant atmosphere for people, and the midges will drive away.

Tip. A household vacuum cleaner will help get rid of hundreds of Drosophila immediately. Pointing the nozzle at the flock of insects, turn on the unit, which sucks annoying guests. Take out the container on the street.

Homemade traps

Fruit flies annoy many people, so simple and effective traps have been invented to deal with them. To make it you will need a plastic bottle or a glass jar.

Option number 1.A 1.5-2 liter plastic bottle is cut into two halves. The lower part should be 2/3 of the height, the upper - 1/3. I put sliced ​​fruits (apples, pears, oranges) at the bottom of the bottle. The upper part is turned upside down and the bait is covered. It turns out a kind of funnel in which fruit midges fly in, but cannot get out.

Option number 2. Remedy for midges from a glass jar and a paper cone. At the bottom of the trap, liquid is attracted that attracts Drosophila: sweet syrup, wine, beer, fermented compote. Insects through the opening of the cone climb inside and can not be released.

Purchased funds

If you do not want to make traps for midges. You can buy ready-made ones. They are plastic containers in which fruit midges fly in, but cannot get out. To attract insects, it is not fruits or sweet liquids that are used, but attractants. These are synthetic or natural substances that make midges fly by smell. Pros of finished designs:

  • ease of use - the design will not spill when dropped, midges cannot be selected from it;
  • there is no smell of fermentation or rotten fruit, which are used as bait in makeshift traps;
  • attractants are easy to replace with reduced efficiency.

Attention. Manufacturers offer disposable and reusable containers. The first ones are thrown out after filling with midges, and the second ones are cleaned, washed and filled with attractant. Among the well-known companies are TERRO and Fly Web. Manufacturers offer models designed specifically for catching Drosophila. The apple-shaped trap that smells of this fruit has small holes in which only fruit flies can crawl.

Those who are looking for safe ways to get rid of midges in the kitchen are advised to use adhesive tapes. This inexpensive tool is safe for human health. It is easy to use - just remove the tape from the box by pulling the loop. And then hang in a convenient place. Sticky yellow sheets, used to destroy midges on indoor plants, have a similar effect. Sticky stickers are placed in a pot, and flies attracted by the yellow color stick to the strips.

Tip Adhesive tape is a universal trap for flying insects. This is a proven remedy for flies, midges and mosquitoes.

Destroying midges in indoor colors

Adhesive tapes are designed to catch adults, and insect eggs remain on the ground of flower pots. There are several ways to get rid of them.

  1. Add a little potassium permanganate to the water for irrigation so as not to burn the roots of the plants. After a little time, midges will become noticeably smaller.
  2. 5-6 matches are thrust into the ground, head down. Its composition helps to get rid of pests. Matches sometimes should be pulled out and checked for the presence of sulfur, if it is all dissolved, then stick a new one.
  3. About garlic in the ground has already been mentioned, dry peels of an orange have the same effect. They are placed in a pot and sprinkled with earth.


Folk remedies will not harm humans and animals, but their effect is not always effective. Insects quickly adapt to everything. To get rid of fruit midges, use special chemicals.

Attention. When working with chemicals, it is necessary to follow the manufacturer's instructions, do not forget about safety precautions. If the composition gets on your skin, wash it off immediately with water.

To destroy Drosophila that settled in the sewer, Invade gel was developed. The drug has a pleasant smell, it dissolves organic residues in the pipes, including midges and their eggs. If desired, the gel can be diluted with water, poured into a spray bottle, and used as a spray against insects.

Repellents are popular remedies for flying insects; directional devices relieve fruit midges. They lay a strip, impregnated with a substance that causes the death of midges.Outgoing couples do not affect a person, and Drosophila is forced to leave the apartment.

Zappers are modern remedies for midges and mosquitoes that kill insects with electricity. Various models are large or compact, operate on mains or batteries. Small appliances are for apartments, and massive ones are for shops and warehouses.

Attention. Dichlorvos is a remedy for various insects. It is traditionally used to kill pests in apartments. Modern drugs are made without smell, but they are also toxic and dangerous to humans and animals. At the time of processing the rooms must leave the room. After the time required for the action of the insecticide, it is necessary to ventilate the apartment.

An integrated approach to ridding an apartment of midges will certainly give the expected result. We must not forget about the prevention of the appearance of Drosophila, because the prevention of a problem is always easier than getting rid of it.

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