Trilobite beetle - the creation with the appearance of prehistoric creatures

In Southeast Asia, hard-winged insects live, attracting the close attention of scientists and lovers of fauna. This is a trilobite beetle, wingless females of which look like aliens from prehistoric times. Their lifestyle is poorly understood, small males of some species have not yet been found by entomologists. 1.5 thousand species of trilobite beetles have been discovered, most of them live in the tropical forests of Asia. The unusual appearance of the females is explained by the phenomenon of neoteny, which stops changes in arthropods at the larval stage.
Trilobite beetle

Gender Description

Among the insects that amaze the imagination with their appearance, Asian trilobite beetles occupy a worthy place. The appearance characteristic of marine arthropods of the Cambrian period was embodied by females of the genus Platerodrilus (Platerodrilus). They have an elongated flat body covered with strong plates. Spikes and growths of various shapes are noticeable on the abdomen. The color is always dark - black, gray or brown.

Red or orange border along the edge of the plates, bright growths and warts warn predators of toxicity of insects. Beetles have no poisonous sting; hemolymph (blood) is a danger. Body length is 70-80 mm. The head is small, the mouth consists of reduced mandibles. The limbs are long and powerful. Females do not have wings.

Sexual dimorphism

A characteristic feature of the representatives of the genus is the presence of signs of a larva. This is due to the phenomenon of neoteny. In females, no metamorphoses characteristic of the complete development of beetles are observed. They do not turn into pupae, and then into adults. Females become adults and sexually mature, maintaining the appearance of a larva. Their age is judged by the length of the body.

Information. Among the modern inhabitants of sushi beetles can be compared with shields and horseshoe crabs.

The males of platerodrilus have the appearance typical of beetles. They are almost 10 times smaller than partners, body length is 8-9 mm. Elytra elongated, usually painted red and its shades. There is also a double, yellow-black color. Head, chest, abdomen, limbs - black. Antennae serrate, reach half of the body. These are the senses used in the search for food and females. Hind wings well developed, painted black.

Information. Not all species are significant, the female beetles Platerodrilusfoliaceus do not exceed 19 mm in length, and the males 6 mm.

Taxonomy of the genus

The first generic name Duliticola insects received in honor of Mount Dulit (Dulit) on the island of Borneo, where they were discovered by scientists. Even earlier, with the light hand of an English entomologist, they were called "Perth's larva." Modern scientists call the genus Platerodrilus. It belongs to the red-winged family. The unofficial name for the Trilobitbeetle or Trilobitlarvae beetles.

The genus is divided into 3 main groups:

  • P. paradoxus group;
  • P. major group;
  • P. sinuatus group.

Many species are not included in these groups and are considered separately. New species are determined by DNA analysis, comparison of morphological characters of insects and genitals of males.

Lifestyle & Habitats

The lifestyle of females and males of platerodrilus differs no less than their appearance. Males feed on flower nectar and tree sap. They can be seen flying from flower to flower.Females have chosen the lower tier of the forest. They live among rotten wood and fallen leaves. The opinion of scientists about the diet of females and larvae has changed several times. It was assumed that they feed on rotten wood. There was a menu option of small animals and mushrooms. After research, it turned out that the female mandibles are sucked. They feed on microscopic animals found in the sap of wood. For lunch, bugs get rotifers, tick larvae, crustaceans, and other protozoa.

Male and female trilobite beetles are kept separate. To understand their belonging to one species is possible only at the time of mating. Females attract partners in various ways: they emit pheromones or a glow of the abdomen. The life cycle of insects has not been fully studied, it is known that males go through all stages of transformation into adults.

Interesting fact. Slow and peaceful insects do not engage in battle with predators. They prefer to pretend to be dead right away. This defensive reaction is called thanatosis. Imitating death, females curl up in a ring, and males open elytra.

An unusual and threatening species of trilobite beetles is an attempt to hide their own vulnerability. Insects are absolutely safe for people and animals.

Distribution area

The main habitat of trilobite beetles is Southeast Asia, Indonesia and India. Insects found in Borneo, Sumatra, Java, Philippines.

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