Green Apple Aphid - A Dangerous Garden Pest

Aphids are half-winged insects that feed on plant juices. They live in colonies, breed at tremendous speed and harm trees with crops. Green apple aphids feed on orchards from spring to late autumn. It harms the apple tree, pear, plum, quince. To combat the phytophage, chemical preparations and folk remedies made from natural components are used.

Green apple aphid

Morphological description of the species

The green apple aphid (Aphis pomi) is an insect of the family Aphis. Representatives of the genus mainly live in the Northern Hemisphere. Apple aphid is a pest of nurseries and fruit stone fruits. In the insect colony, several groups are distinguished that differ in morphological characters:

  • Founders - females appearing in spring from eggs. The body 2 mm long has a pear-shaped shape, painted in bright green or yellow-green. Head and limbs are brownish. Antennae 6-segmented, yellowish with a dark apex. The tubules are cylindrical, black, tapering at the end.
  • Flightless virgins are born by parthenogenesis, in appearance similar to the founders.
  • Winged females - appear in early summer, contribute to the colonization of the colony on other apple trees. They have black chest, head, limbs, tubules and a tail. Only the abdomen remains green. On the sides, closer to the top, black spots are marked on it. Antennae yellow, composed of 6 segments. The wings are transparent. The size is 1.8 mm.
  • Flightless females capable of oviposition appear by autumn. They are shorter than 1.6 mm. The color is yellow-green or brownish. The tubes and tail are dark. Males look like females, but smaller in size - 1.2 mm.

Information. Aphids reproduce by parthenogenesis, without fertilization by males. Females are viviparous.

Distribution area

Green apple aphids are found throughout Europe and North Africa. The distribution area includes Central Asia and the Caucasus. Insects live east of India and Pakistan. The pest is found in North America.

Lifestyle and harmfulness

Apple aphids parasitize on various plants of the Rosaceae family. It occurs on hawthorn, mountain ash, medlar, cotoneaster. Pests prefer young shoots, keep on the back of the leaves. From the effects of phytophages, the leaves curl, and the shoots darken. Aphid larvae emerge from eggs at the time of opening of apple buds. Adults appear at the flowering phase. Females begin to breed, bringing 80-100 larvae.

Information. The greatest harm to aphids is caused to nurseries. Young trees with a strong population of parasites can die.

In the beginning, the number of aphids in the colony increases and winged females appear. They fly to neighboring trees, infecting new plants. By autumn, normal males and females are born in the group, which copulate and lay eggs. The masonry is placed in young shoots, glued with a special composition. Red spots appear on the leaves and fruits where the aphid feeds. From a lack of nutritious juices, the plants dry and deform.

Methods of struggle

It is not easy to get rid of the pest, it is necessary to monitor the condition of trees and use a set of various measures.

Agrotechnical measures

Autumn cleaning of boles and destruction of basal shoots on which eggs hibernate.


With a high density of apple aphids can not do without the use of insecticides. Popular remedies:

  • "Spark" - a drug in ampoules or a tablet, has an intestinal contact effect. Reprocessing is required after 15-20 days.
  • "Decis" - a universal remedy that affects the nervous system of pests. Consumption of 2 ml per 10 liters.
  • "Aktara" is a systemic insecticide of fast action. Protects plants for a month.
  • "Confidor" - the effectiveness of the drug is manifested 3-4 hours after treatment. It is recommended to spray trees with Confidor solution in the morning or in the evening.

Natural enemies

Biological means for the destruction of phytophages suggest the use of the drug "Fitover", as well as the attraction of natural aphid enemies. Ladybugs will help reduce the number of pests, and it is better to get rid of ants. A mutually beneficial symbiosis forms in insects: the ants protect the aphids from the enemies, receiving sugary secretions in return.

Folk remedies

The use of insecticides allows you to quickly cope with pests, but toxic substances fall on the tree and fruits. Safe products include infusions and formulations of improvised products. Apple trees are treated with a solution of laundry soap (200 g per 10 l of water), tobacco infusion (200-300 g per 10 l to infuse for 2-3 days), tomato tops (5 kg of tops per bucket of water). Processing is carried out in early spring before the appearance of adults.

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