Without food, water and a head: how many cockroaches live?

Cockroaches are among the most unpleasant insects, but information about them is of interest. The details of the existence of arthropods are so amazing that they become the basis for various myths. More often than others, the question is asked: how many cockroaches live without food and water. Incredibly hardy representatives of the fauna can do without even a head.

how many cockroaches live

How many cockroaches live

Representatives of the cockroach squad are extremely hardy. They inhabited all continents except Antarctica. Negative temperature is a limiting factor for insects. In its development, the cockroach goes through 3 phases: egg, larva, imago. This is an incomplete transformation (without pupal stage). Reproduction occurs with characteristic features. The fertilized female lays eggs in a special chitin capsule - the ooteca. In a cocoon, they are protected from temperature extremes, mechanical stress, insecticides.

Interesting fact. Real centenarians are Australian burrowing cockroaches or rhinos. Large insects weighing 35 g reach the age of 10 years.

In most species, the female carries an odeca inside the abdomen almost until the larvae are born. The offspring is safe, which increases the survival rate. Larvae are motile, live and feed near the imago. Thanks to their miniature size, they are able to penetrate into any gap. In the world there are about 30 species of synanthropic cockroaches. In Russia, such species are much smaller - 5. All of them were imported from other countries. In the street they can not survive, a comfortable temperature of 25-30 °. Insects live in colonies, rapidly increasing its number.

The life expectancy of a cockroach depends on the type:

Blattella germanica

A red cockroach or Prusak hails from Central Asia, came to Russia from Germany, for which he received the nickname "Prusak". Small adults (9-13 mm) are tan, winged. They have long bristle-like antennae, long suckers on the legs between the claws. The embryonic period takes 38-50 days; nymphs need 75 to 130 days to mature. Adults live 9-16 months.

Information. Hardy insects quickly kill negative temperatures, they die at -5 ° and below. The thermophilicity of synanthropes also has a limit of 45 °.

Blatta orientalis

The black cockroach is a cosmopolitan that appeared in Europe 350 years ago. Adults are large, body length 18-30 mm. Coloring is black brilliant. The wings are poorly developed, due to the small suction cups move poorly on smooth surfaces. The duration of nymph development depends on the environment. At a temperature of 27 ° they reach puberty after 5 months, if adverse conditions drag on for 5 years. Larvae pass 6 ages and molt 5 times. Adults reach the age of 1.5-2 years.

Information. Among the representatives of the species, cannibalism is observed, even with an abundance of food, they eat weak larvae and their own egg capsules.

Supella longipalpa

Furniture cockroach in appearance and size is similar to a Prusak. Females drop their ooches 36 hours after laying eggs. Capsules are left in the sink, on the bed or on the furniture. Embryonic development at room temperature takes 3 months. Larvae develop 4-5 months. The life span of an adult is 3-4 months.

Information. Insects appeared in Russia in the 70s. 20th century.Distribution began with large cities - Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Periplaneta americana

The American cockroach is a large species with a brownish or yellow-brown color. The sizes of adults are 27-44 mm. Insects are able to fly thanks to their developed wings. The egg cocoon contains 10-28 embryos. Larvae pass 13 ages, reaching the state of adults after 1 year. The life expectancy of males is 1.5 years, females are 2 times longer.

How many cockroaches live without food and water

Pests do not voluntarily leave warm rooms. Even in conditions when they have to go hungry. According to scientists, insects can do without food for a long time:

View name Time without food, days Time without water, days
Prusak imago Up to 20 3-10
larva 45-60 5-7
Black cockroach imago 14 males, 60 females 5-10
larva 70 up to 60


The ability to starve for such a long time is due to a slowed metabolism and the lack of the need to maintain body temperature. Arthropods reduce activity, cannibalism may begin. The arthropod's need for moisture is much higher. Water is necessary for chemical processes that ensure vital activity. Their digestion is impossible without moisture, they certainly moisten dry food. Without replenishment of fluid after 5-9 days, the insect dries. By completely blocking the access to water by insects, you can get rid of pests.

A living headless cockroach is not a myth

Surprising fact, but insects are able to live without a head. For humans and animals this is not possible, their respiratory organs are located on the head. Arthropods on the abdomen have special stigma holes connected to the trachea. A system of tubes braids the internal organs and supplies them with oxygen. The circulatory system is designed so that the blood quickly coagulates in the vessels of the neck. Without food, they cost weeks.

The decapitated body retains reflex functions, it responds to touch, can move. The most fatal factor for an insect will be the inability to drink. The body regularly loses fluid through the chitinous cover. Without moisture, it dries.

As a result of the experiments, it was found that the cockroach lives without a head for 9 days.

The endurance of domestic cockroaches is high, but not unlimited. Knowing the vulnerabilities of insects, they can be successfully fought. Pests are killed using insecticides, lowering the temperature or setting traps.

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    Comment by: 01/29/2018 at 16:38
  • PP

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    Comment by: 05/17/2018 at 6:27 a.m.

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