The most amazing and beautiful spiders in the world

For most people, spiders are something creepy and disgusting, but surprisingly attractive individuals are found in the kingdom of Arachnids. The most beautiful spiders are able to captivate with the game of colors and an original combination of patterns even of the most avid arachnophobes, destroying the established image of disgusting multi-legged monsters.

Blue spider
Fear of spiders refers to instinctive reactions, since some of them are really deadly poisonous or can cause significant harm to health. Most representatives of this family are harmless, and some are even useful, since they prey on some pests of the garden.

Rating of the most attractive spiders

Spider lovers have made a lot of ratings, which compare the various qualities of their favorites. One of them lists the most beautiful spiders. These insects strike the imagination with bright colors or amazing patterns on the body.

Peacock Spider (Maratus volans)

The inhabitant of distant Australia has a small growth (only half a centimeter) and an amazing multi-colored coloring of the calf, which provided him with the name. Peacock rainbow color is characteristic of males of this species, while spiders are painted in inconspicuous brown and gray shades. In the mating season, a peacock spider arranges a real show. He spreads his shields on his abdomen, lifts him above his head, raises one pair of paws up and starts his dance. If the female does not like the dance, she will try to eat the gentleman.

By the way! The Latin name of the spider translates as flying. It was assigned to him by mistake, as the first researchers decided that with the help of his multi-colored abdomen, a spider can also plan. Later it turned out that this was not so, but they did not change the name.

Golden horses

Very tiny creatures, rarely reaching 5 mm in length, attract attention with an extremely beautiful violet-golden color and resemble miniature precious brooches from amethysts. Similar paints are characteristic for the whole look. horse spiders - Simaetha, which includes about 20 species. These spiders can jump huge distances exceeding their own size by 100 times, and they also feel great even on vertical surfaces. The unique structure of the paws allows them to move in any direction.

Mirror spider

Representatives of the genus Thwaitesia are also considered one of the most attractive spiders in the world. A truly jewelry creation, adorned with small flickering spots that look like mirrors. The skin under these spots can also have its own color, which in combination creates an amazing color. If you frighten the spider, the mirror spots will decrease in size, large gaps will appear between them. And at the moments of rest and rest, they expand, and the spider turns into a tiny (3-4 mm) sparkling jewel.

Pamphobetus platyomma (Pamphobeteus platyomma)

The glamorous black and purple representative of the Arachnid class is considered one of the largest spiders in the world. He is curious and aggressive - he explores the environment and fearlessly attacks at the slightest hint of danger, not looking at the size of the enemy.

The method of attack is very interesting - the spider combes the aggressor's villi from its paws, which when it comes into contact with the skin causes severe itching. At the same time, the spider also has a fairly strong poison, which makes the bite extremely unpleasant, but not fatal. Despite its inanimate nature, pamphobetus quite often becomes a pet among lovers of arachnids.

Smiling spider

This miniature creature (5 mm in length) can cause a smile not only among ardent spider-haters, but also among the saddest person on earth. The location of the spots on the abdomen of this spider forms a pattern of a human face with a wide smile. The inhabitants of the Hawaiian islands where this spider lives, consider it their symbol and talisman. His image adorns almost any surface - cars, hats, t-shirts, souvenirs, etc.

By the way! The location of the spots for each spider of this species is different, so the faces always turn out different, but always smiling. This type of spider belongs to the endangered and is listed in the International Red Book.

Horned Spider (Spiked Orb)

Bright coloring and sharp spikes serve to protect this species of spiders from their enemies, warning in advance that it is better not to touch them. The combination of colors may vary - there are combinations of red, white and black in various variations. Black dots on the abdomen form something resembling a menacing mask. Another name for these spiders is crab, because their body is much wider in width than in length. It is surprising that in this case all the bright beauty went not to males, rather small and hornless, but to females.


Spiders of this species have a modest black color, but are able to surprise anyone with the original shape of their abdomen. Outwardly, it looks like a seal with mysterious ancient motifs of departed civilizations. This association is fueled by the fact that this spider belongs to one of the oldest species dating back millions of years.

Strawberry Spider (Alsian a cross)

A tiny spider of bright red color lives in the northern countries, but it can also be found in warm places. The farther north, the smaller its size (up to 1 cm). The bright abdomen of the insect resembles ripe wild strawberries, for which it got its name. This spider is also a rare species, although its habitat is quite wide.

Leaders in ratings

Beauty is a subjective concept, so the ratings of the most beautiful spiders in the world can vary significantly. However, there are several instances that undoubtedly and constantly occupy the first positions in the ratings and delight everyone who sees them.

Avicular Versicolor

Amazingly beautiful spider. Its color changes throughout life: it is born black and blue, the abdomen is covered with white stripes. Over time, the blue color changes to red, then metallic green is added to them. The result of these metamorphoses is a fluffy fur coat of red, black and green colors. These are rather large insects, the span of their legs reaches 17 cm. They are not too aggressive, in the presence of danger they tend to hide, and, unlike the others tarantulasDo not comb poisonous hairs on the enemy.

Fidippus regius

The representative of horse spiders, which has a strict, classic black and white color. They are considered quite large for their appearance. although their size is only 1-1.5 cm. The females of this spider are decorated with orange patches.

Metal Wood Tarantula

The leader of most ratings, a huge and bewitching spider charms with its beauty at first sight. The bright blue color seems fake, and yellow and white spots only emphasize the saturation of the primary color. For all its beauty, the spider is notorious and aggressive. Its poison is extremely toxic and dangerous to human health. However, this does not prevent him from being one of the most desired instance in any collection.

Despite the fact that arachnophobia is considered one of the most common phobias, and spiders are often perceived with caution and disgust, some of them can forever impress with their unusual and bright beauty.

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