Bed bug generator: effective tool or marketing move?

Bedbug bites cause unpleasant rashes and excruciating itching. A large colony causes significant damage to health, provoking the development of anemia. The fight against parasites is carried out using insecticides and heat treatment. It is known that insects and their eggs quickly die from heat. The efficiency of a bedbug generator can be compared to professional pest control. A powerful device and quickly and safely relieve dangerous pests.

steam generator

What is a steam generator?

A steam cleaner or steam generator is a household appliance that helps make a home clean and safe. It is used for ironing, cleaning furniture, bathrooms, mirrors, and the passenger compartment. Its main advantage is the ability to destroy pathogens, fungi and pests. These are environmentally friendly devices that produce low humidity steam. They are domestic and professional, the difference in options in power. Devices consist of several main parts:

  • container for water;
  • a heating element;
  • interchangeable nozzles;
  • flexible hose.

Water, poured into a tank with a heating element, boils, forming steam. After a while, the pressure becomes high. When the valve is opened, steam moves through the hose and through the nozzle it enters the surface to be treated.

Attention. When working with the device, care must be taken, follow the instructions. Contact with a steam jet causes a burn.

The temperature of the generated steam is 90 °, while its humidity is estimated at 5%. Direct exposure kills adult bugs and larvae for 10 seconds. The device is allowed for use on various surfaces, it does not spoil the parquet, wood paneling. Sofas and beds after exposure to a steam cleaner will get rid of not only bugs, but also greasy stains, dust. Even after a carefully conducted procedure, upholstered furniture does not get wet, it can be used.

Interesting fact. Blood-sucking parasites of medieval Europe were removed using devices that are a prototype of a steam generator. The device was called a “bedbug”, it consisted of chambers for coal and water, as well as a nozzle from which steam escaped.

Destruction of bugs by steam

Synanthropic parasites appear in unsanitary conditions and in quite safe apartments. They are not attracted to garbage, but to human blood. Insects have a unique survival mechanism - they can do without food for months, adapt to insecticides, lay their eggs all their life after one fertilization. But bugs also have weaknesses. They do not tolerate heat. This feature has been noticed for a long time, it is recommended to fill insects with boiling water, raise the temperature in the room.

Tips are effective, but difficult to implement. Steam treatment of bedbugs is much simpler and more efficient. In modern devices, the maximum temperature reaches 140-160 °. Under such conditions, insects and their masonry die instantly. Parasites lead a nocturnal life, hiding during the day in secluded places. They hide close to the beds where the food source is located.Adult individuals and larvae stick together, in places where the female accumulates, they lay eggs. They look like rice grains.

The procedure is performed in the daytime when insects are in the nests. This will destroy a large number of individuals at the same time. A temperature of 80-90 ° is set on the steam generator, this is quite enough. Higher rates may spoil the fabric or coating. After switching on, the device is ready for operation after 30-120 seconds. Exposure to steam is detrimental to parasites located on the surface and inside the casing (2 cm).

Information. For domestic bugs, a temperature of 45 ° is critical. With this value of the thermometer, they can live a little more than 30 minutes.

Pros and cons of the method

The use of a steam generator to eliminate parasites in an apartment has several significant advantages:

  • Steam treatment is safe for the health of residents. The procedure involves disinfection and cleaning.
  • The devices are easy to use, they are recommended for self-destruction of insects (including dust mites).
  • Steam can kill bedbug eggs, which are not affected by most insecticides.
  • There is no unpleasant odor after processing.
  • The steam cleaner can be used to remove insects in clothes, children's toys. The device has no toxic emissions.

Steaming bedbug furniture is the best option for families with children, pregnant, elderly and allergic people. Residents will not have to leave the house for a period of disinfection and airing from an unpleasant smell.


  • You can not use a steam generator to exterminate parasites in outlets and household appliances.
  • Under the influence of the pressure of the jet, the larvae of the bugs can scatter in different directions and remain unharmed. It is recommended to wear a nozzle with a steam distributor.
  • Particles of vapor disperse and cool quickly. One procedure is not enough, it is advisable to spend 3-4 days in a row. Only in this case will the result be satisfactory.

The cost of the steam cleaner depends on its power. The functions of the device are not limited to disinfestation. After removing parasites, it is used for its intended purpose. If the purchase is not possible, you should borrow the device from friends or rent.

Application features

Before starting the insect killing procedure, it is necessary to provide access to various parts of the furniture. If necessary, move the cabinets and dressers, remove bedding from the bed. Destruction of bugs begins with the most infected places. After steaming, they go to skirting boards, crevices in the floor, back walls of cabinets, picture frames. Be sure to disinfect curtains and other textiles. General processing of the apartment takes a lot of time, because the nozzle must be kept slowly, to pass each section of the surface.

Tip. Change nozzles depending on the cultivated area. Use a brush for cushions and the main surface, and a nozzle in the form of a thin nozzle for seams, crevices and creases.

To destroy bedbug eggs, a high-power steam generator is required. This characteristic affects the temperature and steam flow rate. Manual models are produced with a power of up to 1500 watts, it is better to use a professional device with an indicator of 2000 watts. When destroying the masonry, it is worthwhile to extend the exposure time to 15-20 seconds. Ventilation will help restore normal humidity after the procedure.

Using a steam cleaner to exterminate parasites gives an excellent result only if the work is done carefully. It is necessary to identify and process all places of accumulation of insects and their masonry.

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Bed bugs

