What are the bugs dangerous for humans and can they be carriers of diseases?

For the first time seeing on his skin the traces of a nightly feast of insects, a person will probably ask himself: What are the bugs dangerous for humans and can there be any consequences of their bites? Let us try to give an exhaustive answer to this burning question.
The danger of bedbugs

What danger are bedbugs

Consequences of bites

Bedbug bites bring physical and psychological suffering to people. Night bloodsuckers do not give a good sleep, thereby reducing efficiency and immunity.

Crawling from place to place in search of a thin skin area, the bug can inflict up to 10 skin punctures per night. The flocks of these insatiable bloodsuckers are able to bite a person so that literally there will be no living place on his body. The consequences of such massive invasions are not the most favorable way affect our health.

The consequences of bedbug bites:

  • itchy skin;
  • lack of sleep;
  • decreased performance;
  • psychological suffering due to ugly appearance of red marks;
  • allergic skin reactions.

In severe cases, it is possible to develop a severe pathological condition of an allergic nature - anaphylactic shock. A possible consequence is death by suffocation.

However, such cases are extremely rare. For the most part, people do not notice bites until their raids become widespread. In this case, multiple skin lesions will certainly affect the overall health.

Are bug bites dangerous for humans?

What are the bugs and their bites dangerous for humans? Isolated cases of an attack, as a rule, pass unnoticed. Many people have no allergic reaction to the saliva of this parasite. However, massive insect bites do not pass without consequences for the body.

The frequent consequences of multiple bug bites are:

  • skin bacterial infections;
  • anemia;
  • nervous exhaustion;
  • depression.

Skin infection occurs when combing a bite. Itching can be so strong that it sometimes leads to scalping of certain areas of the skin. The resulting wounds are an open gate for any bacterial infection.

Important! Especially hard to tolerate bug bites by small children. Bloodsuckers first pick them as their victims.

The skin of infants is thin and delicate, therefore bloodsuckers most often attack them. After their raid, huge bright red blisters remain on the body of the children, bringing unbearable suffering to their owners.

Anemia occurs with a long daily attack of bedbugs. One insect can drink up to 7 μl of human blood. Such daily "bloodletting" in conjunction with the general weakened state of the body leads to the fact that the total blood volume in the human body decreases and anemia develops.

Against the background of debilitating itching and chronic lack of sleep, neurotic diseases can develop. As a result, the nervous system does not withstand such loads and nervous exhaustion occurs, the result of which is a complete decline in vitality and depression.

Can bedbugs transmit disease?

We all heard about diseases transmitted through the blood.Can blood-sucking insects transmit these infections? Are bugs dangerous for humans in this regard?

Cases of transmission are extremely rare. However, they have a place to be. The insect drinks blood from a sick person, and then it can crawl to a healthy person and, if bitten, pass the pathogen to it. Diseases do not become epidemic only for one reason - bed bugs do not like to crawl far away from the nest. They rarely get out of the corner they have lived in, preferring to stay close to their food - the person.

Diseases of which bed bugs can become carriers:

  • hepatitis B;
  • tularemia;
  • plague;
  • smallpox
  • leprosy;
  • AIDS;
  • anthrax.

These and similar diseases can be transmitted both with a bug bite and by contact.

Bedbug is a killer

An exhaustive answer to the question - what are the bugs dangerous for humans, can be obtained by the example of their American relative - a triatomic bug. Outwardly similar to bedding, it is a carrier of a disease most dangerous to humans called Chagas disease. At the moment, there are more than 300,000 victims of this silent killer, for a deadly bite nicknamed kiss.

Chagas disease or American trypanosomiasis occurs mainly in the south of the American continent. It is caused by a parasitic flagellate species - trypanosome.

Penetrating into the blood of a person with a bite, the parasite multiplies intensively in the parenchymal organs, causing allergic reactions and toxic effects. Symptomatically this is manifested by swelling of the eyelids, fever, swollen lymph nodes, swelling and tenderness of the chest and abdominal areas of the body. Death, as a rule, occurs from acute heart failure.

To paraphrase a well-known advertisement, we can say: not all bedbugs are equally dangerous! After all, this detachment of insects has tens of thousands of species, many of which pose no threat to humans. By the way, the well-known soldier beetles are in fact also ... bugs. Want to know more about the different types of these insects? Then read our article Description of varieties of bugsin which you will also find photos of some of them.

You can also learn about the threat to humans from bedbugs from the video:

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Bed bugs

